Today digital advertising is becoming increasingly more popular than traditional print advertising. The rise of smartphones and other devices have changed the way people consume media, and companies have adapted to this trend. Companies that abandon print advertising entirely, though, miss out on expanding their audience and strengthening consumer trust. The most successful businesses realize that the most effective advertising strategy is to combine both print and digital advertisements.


When it comes to print advertising, there are numerous options. Newspapers and magazines are the two most well-known options. Yet within those options, there are many different choices to consider. For example, a company can choose to focus on a national paper like the New York Times or create ads for the local paper. It all depends on the type of audience that is trying to be reached. Flyers and mail also count as printed advertisements, and for some companies, they’re the perfect medium.


If a company ignores digital advertising it excludes an entire audience. When creating an advertising strategy, a business needs to consider its intended audience and how those audience members consume media. Cross-channel advertising gives businesses the opportunity to reach consumers on multiple platforms. This is important because consumers react to advertisements in different ways. Some consumers like to take their time soaking in a full page magazine ad while others prefer quick digital ads. Companies should attempt to offer consumers both options.

Cross-Channel Advertising

Cross-channel advertising is different for each business and depends on the intended audience and advertising budget. The first step to creating a successful cross-channel advertising strategy is to know your audience. If you don’t know your audience, then you will have a difficult time knowing where you should focus your time and attention. One of the easiest ways to get to know your audience is to ask them to fill out a survey with questions related to age, salary, and other important information. Here’s an article titled “6 Steps To Decoding Your Target Audience” which provides some helpful advice.


  • Software – Some companies find that software makes cross-channel advertising easier. This site gives organizations the ability to compare advertising software to find out which package works best for them.
  • Magazine/Digital Advertising Strategies – Here is another helpful article. It’s titled “5 Ways Magazine Advertising Supports Digital Advertising Efforts,” and it helps companies understand how effective magazine advertising can be when it’s paired with digital advertising. It’s an especially useful resource for businesses that spend most of their advertising budget on digital advertising and don’t necessarily understand how powerful print advertising can be.